How to take the abortion pills?

Key Point: Always follow the specific instructions provided by your doctor during the video call. The guidance here is to supplement, not replace, your healthcare provider’s advice.

Steps to Take Abortion Pills:

  1. Taking Mifepristone:
    • When: This is the first medication you take.
    • Dosage: Usually one 200 mg tablet.
    • How: Swallow the tablet with water.
    • Function: Mifepristone works by blocking progesterone, a hormone necessary for pregnancy to continue​​​​.
  2. Taking Misoprostol:
    • Timing: Take this 24-48 hours after mifepristone.
    • Dosage: Typically, four 200 mcg tablets (total 800 mcg).
    • Methods:
      • Buccal (Cheek and Gum): Place two pills on each side of your mouth, between your cheek and gum. Let them dissolve for 30 minutes, then swallow any remnants with water.
      • Sublingual (Under the Tongue): Place all four pills under your tongue and let them dissolve for 30 minutes, then swallow any remaining fragments with water.
      • Vaginal: Insert four pills deep into the vagina, one at a time, and lie down for 30 minutes to allow absorption​​​​​​.
    • Function: Misoprostol causes the uterus to contract and expel the pregnancy.

Managing Side Effects:

  • Common Side Effects:
    • Cramping and Bleeding: Expect heavy bleeding and intense cramps, similar to a heavy menstrual period.
    • Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea: These symptoms may occur but typically resolve quickly.
    • Fever or Chills: Temporary fever or chills can occur but usually last less than a day​​.
  • Pain Management:
    • Use over-the-counter pain medications like ibuprofen (avoid aspirin as it can increase bleeding).
    • Apply a heating pad to your abdomen for relief​​​​.

Emergency Planning:

  • Seek Medical Help If:
    • You experience heavy bleeding that soaks through two pads per hour for two consecutive hours.
    • Severe pain that is not alleviated by painkillers.
    • A fever of 100.4°F (38°C) or higher lasting more than 24 hours.
    • Foul-smelling vaginal discharge​​​​.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: How effective are abortion pills?

A: Abortion pills are about 94-98% effective within the first 10 weeks of pregnancy. The effectiveness depends on the duration of pregnancy and the method used​​​​​​. Read more

Q: How long does the process take?

A: The process usually takes 4-5 hours after taking misoprostol, but it can extend up to 24 hours​​.

Q: Is it safe to take the pills alone? A: It’s advisable to have someone you trust nearby for support and assistance if needed​​.

Q: What should I do if I vomit after taking the pills?

A: If you vomit within 30 minutes of taking mifepristone, contact your healthcare provider as you might need another dose. Vomiting after taking misoprostol is less concerning since it absorbs quickly​​.

Q: Will I need a follow-up appointment?

A: Yes, a follow-up appointment is crucial to ensure the abortion is complete and to manage any complications​​.

Q: Does taking abortion pills affect future fertility?

A: No, using abortion pills does not impact your ability to conceive in the future​​. Review study

For further personalized guidance, always refer to the instructions from your healthcare provider and consult them if you have any questions or concerns. More information can also be found at Planned Parenthood​​​.